Hanna's face, shape, and color are amazing. real rarities.

the complete goods delivered anywhere in the world are 5500 euros

What does the price contain:

They are trained for cleanliness and basic obedience.

A full-body X-ray to examine the integrity of the spine
Cardiac ultrasound examination with doppler: valves, ventricles, pericardium.
Physical examination - hernias, vision, hearing, heart murmur, patella
 Nutritional guidance
Breeder's guarantee 2 years, for breathing and spine too!
True color coded pedigree


mating with outstanding genetic value in terms of health, appearance, color ethics!

Father: Mr Fahrenheit: Black and tan merle, new shade isabella fluffy carrier. at/a N/co N/bs ky/about L/l4


Mokka: new shade rojo tan, at/at bs/bs D/d co/co E/e  i/i